Technological design

Hereby we will try to answer why and when do we need technological solutions.

Hereby we will try to answer why and when do we need technological solutions.

  1. Technological solutions is essential section of design documentation for construction, reconstruction, re-equipment of III-V building difficulty category according to Ukrainian national standard DSTU-N B V.1.2-16:2013. It is necessary for passing building expertise and obtaining all required permits and resolutions
  1. Technological solutions is essential for design of all buildings which maintenance undergoes technological processes. As an example – for restaurant business activities you should take care of food preparation, washing dishes, disposing waste, etc.Housebuilding also can involve various technological processes – in case of construction of private kitchen blocks, SPA centers, fitness centers, etc.Technology is not required for engineering facilities erection (substations, dams, sea-walls, roads).
  2. Technology may be required for existing facilities if the company’s management decides to optimize their production processes or quality control system to be certified in EU. In this case, complete project documentation may not be required and we will provide consultations, and prepare technological scheme on demand.
  1. We provide technology solutions section for various design stages. You will receive few printed copies and digital version of following project documentation:
Stage  Project Stage  Working documentation
  • technology
  • refrigeration supply
  • mechanization of technological, commercial and transport operations
  • technology
  • mechanization of technological, commercial and transport (if needed)
Materials list:
  • explanatory note
  • planning technological assignment
  • drawings:
  • layout with arranged technological equipment
  • technological schemes (on demand)
  • equipment specifications
  • complex technological assignment for subcontractors including main loads for water supply and sewerage system, ventilation system, electricity, etc.
  • drawings:
  • plans with arranged and bound equipment
  • wiring diagrams of  communication supplies of technological equipment by type: water supply and sewerage system, ventilation system, electricity, etc.
  • detailed equipment specifications
Participation in design decisions coordination process
  • government expertise
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance authorities
  • Labor protection authorities
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance authorities
Additional services
  • selection of equipment supplier
  • expert participation in equipment purchase tenders
  • construction field supervision

Trivial projects can be designed in single stage – Work Project

  1. First we study sketches proposed by customer (primarily architecture), help him to compose planning and technological assignment, determine and agree with owner following items:  determination of function and category of rooms; basic technological parameters of water, electricity and  specifics of air consumption; planning of goods, materials, personnel, visitors flows, etc.
  2. Next, we participate in space-planning development. We arrange basic equipment (essentially – without defining exact brands and models). While everything is being agreed with customer and architect, we issue a task to our subcontractors to provide necessary engineering facilities, environmental protection remedies and so forth.
  3. As soon as everything is approved we carefully specify the equipment. After that the customer can proceed with the selection of equipment suppliers.
  4. After passing the expertise and applying requested corrections (if any) we can proceed with Working documentation. At this point customer should have determine particular equipment brands and models.
  5. Next, we can precisely place equipment on the plans provide architecture bindings and connection points. After that subcontractors will be able to fulfill their tasks.
  1. Sometimes qualified architects in contact with the client can implement technology section by themselves. In this case documentation may not meet the requirements of some particular health and building standards.
  2. Many equipment suppliers offer “free”  design, but there is no guarantee that the equipment will be picked up optimally.
  3. We do not promote any particular brands and do not impose unnecessary spendings. Our engineer-technologists have rich experience and can handle any non-trivial task.